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Levelling legs have failed to automatically lift to travel position.

If your TrailLites’ levelling legs have failed to automatically retract to the travel position you will need to manually override the system so you can safely travel.

Below are the step-by-step instructions to get you on your way. Please read this thoroughly before you start the process.


Equipment required:

13mm socket or spanner

A bar such as a crowbar or something strong with a sharp wedge

A long piece of steel or wood

Cable ties or rope


Step one - Raise your motorhome by approx. 5cm.  

  1. Using the control panel in your kitchen, press the hand button on the left-hand side of the controller (between the auto raise and lower control buttons).
  2. Then press and hold down the L button in the centre portion of the control panel (the bottom of the four). the left-hand and then the right-hand side of
  3. The right-hand side is controlled by pressing the top R button.
  4. Release the pressure on your levelling legs - press the auto retract button, you should feel a jolt as the motorhome releases the pressure on your levelling legs. This will allow you to start the manual override process.


Step twoGo to the motor drive unit (either located in your boot, most common, or just above your spare wheel at the rear of the vehicle)

  1. Using a 13mm socket remove the black plastic cover.
  2. Locate and remove the 15/20-amp fuse that is in a small holder, this will be either blue or yellow. Keep the fuse in a safe place for re-install later.
  3. Inside you will see 4 solenoids (2 each side) on the top of the main motor. They are black with a silver knob. 2 facing you and 2 facing the wall away from you. There is a picture of this in the manual, and below.
  4. Remove each of the solenoid silver screw caps one at a time. You do this by undoing the screw cap, and then take the O-ring off, then the silver spacer. Replace the screw cap that was removed without the spacer or O-ring, keep these safe to replace in Step 2.




Step three – Manually lift levelling legs

  1. Starting with the front left leg you will need to manually lift it into the retract position. Using a crowbar etc. to get it started, place the bar under the foot and raise up till high enough to get the longer steel/wood bar under. This may take some time as the pressure will vary for each leg.
  2. Once left front levelling leg is all the way up, secure it in place with the cable ties or rope. Make sure they are tight to avoid the below from happening.
  3. Repeat this process for each leg in this order Left front, 2. Right front, 3. Left rear, 4. Right rear is last.
    Check - As you raise each leg check the ones you have already lifted to ensure they do not lower with the pressure being forced through the system.
  4.  Once all legs are up return to the motor drive unit.


Step four - Replace all four solenoids back to their normal state

  1. Remove caps
  2. Place spacer back on shaft
  3. Replace O-ring
  4. Replace screw cap


Step five – Testing

  1. Go for a short drive, stop, and check levelling legs are all still fully up and secured in place.


Step six - Contact TrailLite Service Centre

  1. Call TrailLite as soon as you can to advise you have had to manually lift the levelling legs (prior to using the levelling legs again). Tel: 0800 872 455