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Secondary control switches in a TrailLite

This article and videos explain how to use your water heater, isolation switch and main power switch

The following isolation switches are located in the upper kitchen cupboard. Above them is the main 230V power switch, and below are the individual isolation switches:

  • External PowerPoint (if fitted).
  • Charge (the vehicles 230V charging system).
  • Fridge.
  • Hot water cylinder.

Instructions for main, inverter and isolation switch:

Instructions for invertor (if fitted):

  • If your motorhome has an inverter, you will see a black on/off switch for the Inverter.


  • Use this dial to turn the power supply system from MAINS to OFF to INVERTER.
  • Only have the power supply system dial on INVERTER if you need to draw 230V when not plugged into mains.
  • As soon as you are done, change the system back onto MAINS. This will avoid drawing power from your batteries rather than the mains when you are next plugged in.

Instructions for water heater:

Right above your rangehood, you will see a black square panel. This is your water heater.

Whale Gas/Electric Water Heater